Data logging has become vital part in automotive manufacturing process, data acquisition has become very important in various such as Engine testing, power-train calibration, off-highway testing, validations, fleet management, battery management in electric vehicles and many more. We at Influx technology always strived to build systems which are not only competitive in the market but user-friendly instruments to the end users.
What are the current problems?
There are many products available in the market that have worked in the past, but what they lack is the ideal solution for current problems that have arisen through modern innovation, for example, big projects such as fleet management, battery monitoring and autonomous vehicles where you would ideally like to fit a small compatible black box in the vehicles to monitor all parameters. These devices should be rough enough to withstand harsh environments.
"We thought that our customers did not have the right product for the right project."
- Milan Sarkar, CEO of Influx India
The Solution
At Influx Technology, we used our resources to research and develop ReXgen 2: a small, ergonomic data computer that can fit into any vehicle from two wheelers to aeroplanes. ReXgen 2 supports all features demanded by the modern market for network protocols such as CAN, CAN FD, analogue and digital sensor supports, inbuilt IMU sensors, embedded high-speed storage, IP65 protection, GNSS and much more. Not only did we build a brand new piece of hardware, we felt that in order to provide a complete solution, a new, user-friendly software to support the engineer was also necessary. Our freely distributable software, ReXdesk, is simple and ready to use as installed; the software offers features such as an easy drag and drop interface, DBC support for configuration and export, trigger functions and much more to pair hand-in-hand with our ReXgen 2 devices. The software also supports different export formats to analyse data such as CSV, MAT, MF4, BLF and ASC. ReXdesk is included in the box with all ReXgen devices.
Benefits of using ReXgen 2
With ReXgen's added security, such as the embedded storage, data is secured end-to-end. For bigger projects such as fleet management and customer support, every vehicle can be fitted with the black box and efficiently managed from ReXdesk. Even with all these features, ReXgen is our most affordable logger, at an extremely competitive price. With the future insight of using 4G and Wi-Fi support, we will be able to help engineers collect and analyse data while simply sitting at their desks. We are very optimistic about future opportunities and look forward to supporting our customers in this new generation of data computing.
